Assessing Mobile Participation: A case Study of iCitizen, Buycott and USHAHIDI


The ubiquity of mobile devices has led to the provisioning of mobile e-administration services in many countries and it possesses the potential to introduce new practices of e-participation specifically. Applying case study methodology, this paper identifies iCitizen, Buycott and USHAHIDI as practical examples for m-participation offers and compares them in regards to features, influence in the policy cycle, and usability. The lessons learnt highlight that m-participation should be a part of a wider strategy that includes offline and other media channels, that it utilises mobile features such as location-based services and Social Media integration to enhance efficacy of participation, and to make the offer focused on the user experience rather than a singular topic.

In * IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Governemnt (EGOV)*.